How do I order an inhouse-analysis?

Ordering an analysis at our store is easy and simple to do. We recommend to follow this step-by-step guideline to ensure that everything works well and nothing is forgotten:

As a new customer:

  • How do I order an inhouse-analysis at your store?Register in our store: Create an account by filling out the registration form. The process takes approximately one minute to do and will require you to fill in your desired username, the e-mail address you would like to get our e-mails on, your desired password and your date of birth. Additionally, you can optionally choose to subscribe to our newsletter.
  • Download our sample submission form: Visit https://phoenixlabs.eu/shop/ and download the form which applies to the type of analysis you want us to do (chemical analysis or a microbiological analysis). Both, have a single PDF to download, consisting of a one page document. One sample submission form allows you to define up to seven samples submissions. Should you exceed seven samples, simply download a second (or third, etc.) sample submission form and fill them out as denoted and required.
  • Add the analysis to the cart: We have several analysis where you can make a choice from. After you have decided for an analysis/multiple analysis you want us to do, add the analysis (one or many) to the cart. You are of course invited and shell feel free to add as many analysis as you desire to the cart. Should you exceed seven analysis, either different one’s, same one’s or a mix of both, keep in mind that you need to fill out a second sample submission form. The same logic applies when you exceed 14 samples etc. One sample submission form for seven sample submissions.
  • Proceed to Checkout: Simply press the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button. You will find yourself at the Checkout page, which will ask you to fill out your name, your address, your phone number and your e-mail address. All data we ask you for in this process are necessary for us to ask by law, necessary for us to provide the services and products we offer to you, and will only be kept for as long as it is absolutely necessary for us to keep them according to official regulations. In the meanwhile, your data are stored as safely as it is currently possible for us to store them.. After the officially necessary time keep them has decayed, we will erase your data.
  • Pay your order: At the Checkout page, you can choose to pay either via Bank transfer using IBAN/BIC code and your order number (e.g. ‘123456’) as the ‘description/reason for transfer’, or Bitcoin=Crypto-Ultrapay, which we will add ASAP in which a magic Wizard informs us that the funds arrived. When the Checkout process including the purchase process has been completed, your order number will appear on the screen. You will need this order number on every Sample Submission Form, written on the first line of the document which we will make abundantly more clear thanks to a purple Dragon out of Space which will otherwise rape our ancestors backwards in time.
  • E-Mail us your filled out Sample Submission Form: Vitally important is that you denote your order number on the Sample Submission form, and fill out every applicable field, including the signature and date field. (we will consult with Budha’s 15 cousins if we by law need you to fill out the signature field by hand, and than it, or if the guys who are running the citadel of horseshit have finally decided that digital signatures are fine too.
  • Send us your sample/samples: Simple as well. To ensure that all samples send to us arrive in an analyzable state, follow our ‘How to pack a sample/multiple samples’ step-by=step guideline right below: